Tomorrow is the last day of Chinese New Year! That's a wrap!
There goes my Chinese New Year 2010.
I can use few words to summarize my whole Chinese New Year.
Food, beer, soda, sleep, meeting up some old faces and relatives, movies, Ang Pow, gambling and chilling. That's it! haha...interesting rite?? *can you feel my sarcasm?*
Went back hometown way to late and missed out all the fun! *smack head*
So I deserve a not-so-happening CNY!!! =(
At least, I had a week of holidays!! =)
The boys came over my place for Ang Pow and get hyped over a puppy!
They even give a name to the puppy!
They call her SNOW!! haha...too bad they can't bring her home!

Look at the happy face!
Sorry that you can't have the puppy! haha...

Must take pic and leave some happy memories with the puppy!

At night went over to Ryan's crib for Ang Pow and some gambling session!
Ryan served some fingers licking good chicken wings!
Look at the satisfying faces!
They look like hungry ghost! haha...
Group pic in Ryan's crib!! =D
After that, headed back to town and meet up some senior citizens!!
The bully and Me!!
Now I got evidence on hand!!
Mike, the lady gaga fans and Alex
I'm exhausted! I was outside until middle of the night!
Mike and Me!
Please ignore my "chan" look!
Alex and Abby
Another double A! =D
My best friend Hui Fun and Me!
I managed to catch up with her before she went back to Singapore!
Poser! haha...
I made her to pose for me!
We gossip everything, anytime, anywhere!
Tried to hug her with style but ended up I look like a koala bear!!
One of the night went out with the boys!
The gay couple! haha...
Pick which 1 you want!
They are all single and available! FOC!! haha...
I tell you people, man and snooker are bff!!
Die, die also must play snooker!
Sarjan and Me!
Coca-Cola new ambassador!
From now onwards, no one will drink Coca-Cola! haha...
I'm trying my best to fit in to this pic because the left hand side idiot keep on squeezing in!
The beggars looking for treasure!!
Discussing where to start to dig!!
Another chilling night!
Peace from sarjan!
Meet up with the boys again!
I see them more often than my family!
The shortest boy on earth! haha...
Look at the posers!! Tak boleh tahan ar!!
The sweet couple!
Actually I'm not sure are they couple or wat but they seems very sweet!
Another gay couple!!
Eeewww, I did't know the boys change their type!!
Get a room!!!!
Me and my all time favourite boy on earth!
haha...This fellow is joker!!
I managed to made him laugh his ass off when I told him some silly thing!
Well, his car AC was out of service that night so he open the window widely for me
then I told him "yo, don't open the window so wide la, it mess up my mushroom head la"!! =D
The boys!
Gee and Snoopy with their middle fingers!
FYI, snoopy is holding plasters from Watson, not condoms ok!!
Home party at my place!
Look at the noob faces!
The night before everyone go back for classes!
A week of holiday is over and I'm back to class!
Everything back to normal!
Midterm and assignment is spilling up!
I'm mentally and physically tortured!!