Alvin and the chipmunks 3

Went for Alvin and the chipmunks 3 premiere yesterday at Subang Parade with twin, hou and cai cai. Thank you ling siang so much for the tickets of course. The movie is funny and interesting as usual. Please expect there will be a lot of kids in the cinema watching with you as well. :) 

Every thing was alright except the bloody couple sitting next to me. I don't blame them because they are only teenagers thou. But please don't french kiss in the cinema can o not? GO AND GET A ROOM!!!!! seriously, they were french kissing like nobody's business, maybe they thought the light was off so no one can see them. But let me tell you, they are WRONG!!! Even the lights are off, I STILL CAN FUCKING SEE THEM FRENCH KISSING CLEARLY!! Like HD version!! OMG!!! 

cam whore in twin's while waiting for the time to pass.

My happy face with the tickets. Apparently we have 5 free tickets to the premiere but there are only 4 of us. We were given in such a short notice so you can see that how free we are. What to do, we are all ready to get loose once we finished the most essential presentation of our degree path. *happy max*  


Had Japanese before dinner. As usual, hou will be the one that always sensitive to the camera and cai is busy taking picture of the free tickets.

our dinner. :) I have cravings for Japanese and Korean 24/7. I don't understand what is all this craving about, I want the craving to stop because is causing my wallet to bleed. 

Lastly, because of my green maxi dress and the height of the Christmas tree, the girls asked me to take a picture with the tree. If the Christmas tree without the decorations and lights, I think i will blend it in very well with the tree. :)

Again, thank you hiong ku!!! :) :) :) 

Hello December

It's the last month of 2011. Are you excited for 2012? At least I am. 2011 is definitely NOT a good year for me and I can't wait for it to be over. *bye* And the worst part is I don't think any of my new year resolutions 2011 is achieve. Talking about achievement, all go down to the drain.

I really want to go somewhere for Christmas and New Year but sadly I don't have a plan. :( Next week will be the biggest presentation of my degree, which is VIVA. After that will be the final submission, no more journals, no more amendments, no more APA references. Oh lord, I think we all had enough of those for the past 8 months. Let's finish it with proud, it's has our blood and sweat on it. It's like our baby except babies take 9 months, we take 1 month lesser to produce. After that will be the official holidays for 2 weeks. :D

I know some of you are leaving the country for long holidays, so make sure you buy something for me alright? :)

Happy Holidays kawan - kawan. :) Let's make the last month of 2011 memorable.