Went Dome at Intermark yesterday night to meet up with my ex - colleagues
and also to have a farewell dinner with them before I fly off.
I can't believe I am flying off in a week. :)
I will surely miss everything and everyone in Malaysia.
I will be back next year.
Ordered Apple Martini.
It tasted alright but everyone loves it except me.
Yes, I am always the picky ones in the group.
Michelle's Spicy Olio - olio.
She said it's nice and not spicy.
I can't remember what platter is this.
But it looks yummy thou.
Next will be mine.
I ordered Fish and Chips. *expected*
I always ended up with Fish and Chips whenever, wherever I went for western cuisine.
Don't ask me why.
The portion was so big that I give some of the fish to my colleagues.
We start taking pictures like nobody's business before we dig in and also right after the meals.
Yours truly, Michelle and Silvia.
Abigail and Michelle.
I really adore her height and beauty. :)
The ladies of the night.
Puili, Abigail, Catherine, Silvia and Michelle.
We took quite a numerous of pictures as you can see.
The only man in the group.
Alex, Puili and Catherine.
I randomly took my camera out and this is the pose she gave me.
After that, she complaint what is this.
I look extremely fat in this picture but you know this is just because of angle problem right? :D
Lastly, of course is a group picture.
p/s: I changed my header. Just incase you did't see it. :)