I miss you people so much!!!!! haha...
I survived without internet for a week! *give myself applause*
Life is meaningless without internet okay!!
Every night I misses my laptop and facebook so much!!
Just can't wait to get my hands on my laptop!!
Neways, i'm back!! :D
YES, YES, i'm back in KL!
Holidays ended and i have been sitting in front of my laptop all day long!! :D
Came back early in the morning today to avoid the massive jam!
Once I reached home, the 1st thing I did was on my laptop and check on my facebook!
As you people already saw those hilarious pics of me in my facebook that I joined an outing with friends but the problem is I don't even get a chance to see those pics yet!
I have friends telling me how do i look like in those pics
and how are the pics turn out!!
Well, now i saw it and i'm happy about those pics! *wink*
Ever though, i'm not a professional model but i'm happy with the pics!
Before the outing, i was anxious and i almost freak out on tat day!
hahaha...i'm sure Yomis know about this!!
There were more than 10 photographers with me and another girl called ALLY!
But luckily all the photographers are kind and friendly enough!!
Thanks all of them for the guidances and bear me throughout the whole outing!
I survived without internet for a week! *give myself applause*
Life is meaningless without internet okay!!
Every night I misses my laptop and facebook so much!!
Just can't wait to get my hands on my laptop!!
Neways, i'm back!! :D
YES, YES, i'm back in KL!
Holidays ended and i have been sitting in front of my laptop all day long!! :D
Came back early in the morning today to avoid the massive jam!
Once I reached home, the 1st thing I did was on my laptop and check on my facebook!
As you people already saw those hilarious pics of me in my facebook that I joined an outing with friends but the problem is I don't even get a chance to see those pics yet!
I have friends telling me how do i look like in those pics
and how are the pics turn out!!
Well, now i saw it and i'm happy about those pics! *wink*
Ever though, i'm not a professional model but i'm happy with the pics!
Before the outing, i was anxious and i almost freak out on tat day!
hahaha...i'm sure Yomis know about this!!
There were more than 10 photographers with me and another girl called ALLY!
But luckily all the photographers are kind and friendly enough!!
Thanks all of them for the guidances and bear me throughout the whole outing!
Here are the pictures that I love the most!
Pictures are all credits to Taiping DSLR photographers!
Thanks for the pictures!!! *bow*
In the private cemetery!
Don't worry! The cemetry is just for display!
There's no dead body underneath the ground!
So no worries!! :D
Pictures are all credits to Taiping DSLR photographers!
Thanks for the pictures!!! *bow*
In the private cemetery!
Don't worry! The cemetry is just for display!
There's no dead body underneath the ground!
So no worries!! :D

Outside the Church compound!
We are not allow to go inside the Church!
The Church compound is enough for us alrd!
God is trying to give me 4 digits!!
haha...i'm listening carefully!
The boys like this the most!!
haha...maybe they only like the beer bottle not the pic!!

Group pic!
All the photographers of the day, me and Ally!
Ally has awesome tattoos!
I wanna have 1 too! 1 small 1 is enough! I'm not a greedy person!!
Lunch time!!
On that day it was raining almost the whole day
yet there is still enough sunlight to cause me sunburn!! :(
Damn sun!!
Mr Danny was teasing and laughing at me!
He said this is what i deserve for not going Ipoh with him and it will itch after 1 or 2 days!
It's really itchy the first few days!!
Me after a tiring day!
Waiting for the boys to come and take me out for dinner!
I was exhausted that day and i told the boys
I wanna have something easy to swallow for dinner,
which mean no rice or any food that need to a lot of chewing!
So, I ended up with porridge!! hahaha...
The outing was pretty cool and fun!
It is a veri nice experience to me!
I did enjoyed myself and have fun during the outing!
This time is something fresh and exciting!
Usually I only deal with 1 photographer and the photographer is a very close friend of mine
but this time is so much different!
I have to deal with more than 10 photographers which is totally a stranger to me!
I'm glad I made lots of new friends tat day!!
Once again, thanks Yomis for the awesome day!!
I hope you people like those pics and I did not scare you people off!
Is ghost festival now, so I don't mean to scare any one of you!
I shall off to bed now!
Class starts at 8am tomorrow!
Good night~
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