Happy 21st Birthday LENG LUI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This post is specially dedicated to you (twin/ fatty/ saix/ yeap shi ying/ leng lui). I only call you LENG LUI on your birthday, so be appreciate and don't fly too high with compliments. :D Don't say I always suppressed my feelings and did not truly tell you how I feel.
You will know how I truly feel in this post.
Be curious.
I know you don't mind being a 21 years old old lady. I don't mind being a 23 years old old lady too. I can't believe I just revealed my age just for the sake of your birthday.
Enjoy your very big day to the fullest with a lil control ya. I know you will have a great time with my bro and family. May all your hiao and ridiculous wishes come true and please don't hiao too much. I know I hiao very much sometimes but please don't follow me ok. You behave and control. HAHAHAHA...and yes, you are very pretty and beautiful. *I can't believe i am saying this* But only just because it is your birthday. So take the compliments, as you know I don't usually compliment people.
So, here it is. You are very PRETTY, SMART, and FUN.
Sorry that I can't celebrate with you on the actual day and there will be no surprise for you this year BECAUSE you ruined the surprise I did for you last year, remember?? remember how you ruined it? So ya! NO MORE SURPRISE for you. I know you got one more paper to go, so study smart for it and I will see you soon. AND yes, I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy reading this post? I know you love to hear those compliments from me and just because it is your birthday so I am doing it just for you. See how nice I am. Do not take this post to threaten me in future ya! AHAHHAA...be flatter as much as you want.
Happy 21st Birthday LENG LUI and Happy Holidays. *my hands are real real itchy*, you know what I mean. See you soon. :D
*please don't fly too high with the compliments*