
My Favourite Drink: Ice Blended Coffee Caramel
So today is monday...guess wat hv i done in the office...hahahaha...my boss jz bought herself a new blackberry smartphone but she doesnt noe how to use it so i have to learn how to use it and teach her...I spend few hours in exploring how to operate the stupid damn smartphone and teach her how to operate it...omgggooossshhhh....the phone is so canggih and nice...its reali a smartphone...they hv tonnes of function...but its reali expensive k...tat damn stupid smartphone cost RM 2,1999...probably for her is only likeRM 200...im happy tat i hv a chance to explore the 2 thousand phone...hahahha...

This is the stupid Blackberry smartphone!
If your not that smart please dont buy this phone! Its so complicated k!
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