Assignments, assignments, assignments, assignments!
Thats all I can think of right now!
Deadlines of assignment is really killing me!
After 3 weeks of relaxing classes
here comes the reality of college life!
All the assignments for the 5 courses which I chosen is finally arrived!
Now i feels like dying, don't wanna wake up the next day!
If I dont wake up the next morning, please don't wake me up! *Thanks*
How on earth am I going to do all the assignments??
I'm not a genius k?? Anyone wiling to help me??
Yes?? No?? Alrite, alrite, I know i have to deal with it!
Okay~I get it!
I'm sure some people might be laughing their ass off outside!
Right Sarjan?? I know your laughing at me! I can hear you k!!
Alrite, I need to get back to my assignments now!
I'm google-ing every single damn shit that I wanna know!
How can peoples live without internet ya?? *Dont Understand*
Toodles peoples~
2 voices:
wahaha!!!how u know 1!!!so hardworking la!!!if not i dunno how to say liao!!!the way u select then the way will going!!!so do it n enjoy it!!!wahahaha!!!
see!! see!! i know u sure laugh ur ass off 1! heh!! definitely enjoying like hell here! : (
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