R.I.P Xena

The dog in the picture is called Xena and she passed away today (3.10.2010). She refused to eat and drink for the past few days and she vomited more than 10 times per day. We sent her to the vet today because she is suffering a liver problem and the vet asked us to leave her there because she needs to jap daily. The vet just called and said "Xena did not make it"!!!!! This is the second time my dog passed away.

I am writing this post with tears and mucus all over my face. I couldn't stop crying. Me and my mum are crying like a bull. Initially, she does not belongs to us. She was living with my aunt in Penang but because of her skin disease and none of the vet in Penang is able to cure her, therefore my mum decided to bring her back to KL and live with us. She has been the troublemaker and the most hyperactive dog we ever seen. She has been with us for several months and I took care of her like a baby even though I do hate her sometimes, especially when she messed up my room.

We tried to put her to sleep for couple of times. Whenever we brought her to the vet and decided to put her to sleep, the expression on her face is so damn pitiful and we couldn't make it. The look on her face melt our heart. And now she is gone, may her rest in peace with no pain and no more medication. :(

p/s: can someone pass me the tissue please? :((((((