Goodbye 2010

Goodbye 2010. 
I'm glad 2010 has finally come to an end. Nothing productive happen this year and I had a pretty rough year. :( Starting from the beginning of the year, my bad lucks have never leave me. I even told my friends, I must go to the temple and change my luck. I can be very superstitious sometimes. I know! I know! When there is no other alternative, superstitious it is! 

Thank you 2010 for all the memories and lessons. Hello 2011!!! 2011 better be good, or else I will be the headline on all the newspaper. :D 

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year. May you have an awesome year ahead, stay in health and wealth, and may this holiday bring joy and happiness to you. No resolution(s) for new year because I am the kind of person who don't make resolution(s) come true, so no point having resolution(s). 

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 voices:

Miamy, said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hahaha, you and I both the same! I won't really make them come true, so my new year resolution this year is to seriously think of some new resolutions!

AbigailLoi said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

@Miamy,hahaha...*hi five* I am too lazy to think of the resolutions. :D