My Letter to You

To one of the private higher institutions in Malaysia,

I think you know which one I am referring to. :)

Could they please stop changing students' timetable? If they can't decide the perfect time for the subjects then please wait until they have finalized the time then only let the students know. So that the students can plan and arrange their time. Please don't simply put a time to entertain the students and think is alright to change the time table again and again later on. Let me tell you is not alright to keep changing the time table to whenever is convenient to you. You have no idea how much inconvenience you have created for the students. The students have better things to do, other than attending classes. It is officially the second week of the semester and the time table still not finalize. Hopefully after this there will be some improvements (don't expect too much, some is more than enough). Thank you for reading the letter. Have a nice day. :D

Abigail :)

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