Fort Myers Beach - Florida

For the first three months in USA, we spent our stay at Fort Myers, Florida. 
Fort Myers is a very small town that attracts a lot of tourists and also "snow birds" during the winter. 
"Snow birds" are people who lived in the north that escaped from winter. 
They will moved down to the south and spent their whole winter in Florida. 

The weather in Fort Myers is exactly like Malaysia except the humidity. 
However, during winter season the cold weather will come on and off for a couple of days. 
During our stay, there are several days the temperature drop from 28 celsius to 3 celsius or even lower during night. Then we will freeze our butt off for a week or lesser before it goes back to normal.

Once it is back to normal, everyone will make good use of the weather and headed to the beach or sea.
There is nothing much to do at Fort Myers. 
You can either spend your entire day at the beach or spend the entire day at the premium outlets. 

On one of the sunny day, the three of us happened to have the same off day from work (we have been looking forward to this day), we decided to go to the beach. :) 
Everyone has been telling us how pretty the beach is, is a shame not to go.

The beach is actually quite far away from our house, 
we have to take 2 to 3 buses just to get there.
The beach better be worth it or else I am so gonna be pissed. 

Picture time at the bus stop while waiting for the bus.

The best thing about the public transport in USA is that, 
they are pretty punctual and awesome! :) 
They have a schedule of all the buses.
All you have to do is be at the bus stop 10 minutes earlier then you will be fine. 
You don't have to wait for an hour like an idiot at the bus stop without knowing when is the bus coming.
Just follow the schedule and it helps a lot when you are planning your trip. 

Sunglasses: Checked
Slippers: Checked
Sunblock: Checked
I am good to go. 

We went for Asian buffet before we go to the beach. 
The buffet was horrible that I don't even want to mention about it anymore. :(
The food might looked good in the picture but it was horrible. 

We got to the beach around 4 pm. 
However, the beach was beautiful and CLEAN!!!! 
The best part of the beach is the sand. Will show you picture below. Keep reading. :) 
I wanted to show you all the picture of the entire beach but I don't have it.
So I google and I managed to find a nice one to show you all. 
Isn't it pretty? :D

Welcome to Fort Myers beach everyone!!!!! :D

The sands are so white and fine!! 
And they even have a pier for people to fish and get closer view of the sea. 

A tourist picture of me and the beach!! 
Worth all our hard work to get there!

One of my artistic shot of the sun and the beach. 

My happy feet. 

And my happy friends, Saix and Hou.

I told you they are happy. 

To prove to you how fine the sands are, I sacrificed my sexy legs.
The sands are so fine that it stays on your legs and become one with your legs hair.
I know I am pretty hairy. Thank you. 

Sooooooo preeeeety!!!!! Can die!!! 

The sands will stay on. You have to rinse it off with water.
Well, I did not rinse it off so I walked around with my legs looking like that. 

I am not a beach person because I hate sun and I always run away from sunlight.
I am basically like a vampire.
But I don't mind spending a day at the beautiful and clean beach! 

A group picture with half of Saix's face gone. 

Jump shot at the beach.
It is a must.
I think we jump everywhere whenever we go. AHAHAHAHA...

After so many jumps, I am still suck at jumping.
I guess weight does matters when taking jump shot.

A beautiful sunset picture. 
Everyone was standing there waiting for the sun to set.
Once the sun set, everybody claps their hands. :)

There are more beaches at Florida.
However, we only managed to visit few of them.
But, Fort Myers beach is definitely worth of visit.
According to the locals, Fort Myers beach is more for the youngsters.
Because there are some beaches are more for older people.
Now you know where to go. :)

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