Don't have any classes today!
All my classes only Monday to Thursday! : )
Slept until 12 something!
After 4 days of classes and waking up early in the morning
Finally, I've a day to sleep until no one business! *Satisfying*
After a week of classes, i still not use to waking up early in the morning!
Everyday in class, i will be complaining that i'm so damn sleepy and yawning non-stop
*i'm sure Shi Ying will know about this, right Shi Ying?? hahaha...*
Here are some pictures that we took while waiting for the lecturer!
They are really cute and adorable! I'm the eldest among all of them!
Okay la~i know i'm old la! *SAD*
From left: Shi Ying a.k.a Saix and Janize a.k.a Little Rain!

Me and Shi Ying! The most hyper active girl among all of us! : )

Janize, Shi Ying and Me!

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