

I don't have class today and that means i don't need to wake up early in the morning!
But who know my dog, MAX is sick! 
His head got a big bum pop out yesterday night!
My mum was so worried about him!
Because MAX is like her son you see! 
She always told the doggies go to Jie Jie(me or my sis) there!
Suddenly, i got a brother and sister from another species!

So, mum took half day leave and woke me up around 9.30 am!
*This is URGENT*
After get ready without having breakfast 
and headed to the vet!

Here are the doggies 
MAX and SUMMER waiting for the vet!
The right 1 is MAX and the left 1 is SUMMER!
SUMMER is perfectly healthy, she just go there and kepo! hehe...

While we were in the car, I took some pics of the doggies! :P
Let me introduce you people this is SUMMER, the most naught 1!
She definitely is a poser because she is the only one can look at the camera
and wait for me to capture! haha...

Me and MAX! Get well soon boy!
He is not in the mood for pic as you people can see! :(

My little brother from another species! :D

I'm trying to take pic with SUMMER but she is too active la!

After came back from the vet, mummy went to work 
and left me alone at home!
I was too boring and tired
so i ended up sleeping the whole afternoon
from 2 something to 7 pm!

*Thats is why i did't answer your call, Sarjan!
Sorry ya! hehe...*

4 voices:

Gee said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

see see!!!!dun sleep too much

AbigailLoi said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

hahahahaha...okla! okla! try not to sleep too much la!!

Gee said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

if u sleep like tat lagi!!!u totaly die ok!!!

AbigailLoi said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

hahahaha...yala! yala! i try not to sleep too much okay!!!