Since all my classes ended today so I got more time to blog!
Yea~I know you people sure happy about this right??
Here is another overdue post again!!
Sorry la!! Can't blame me okay!!
Before this I was so busy with assignments and tests!!
I attended one of my relative wedding in June!!
hehehe...a bit long time ago right??
I still wanna blog ar!!!! blek~=P
Back to the wedding
The wedding was held at the KL Wesley Methodist Church
some where near Stadium Merdeka!
This is my very first time attending a wedding in Church
and YES, i love it sooo much!!
I definitely want my wedding in Church, in the presence of God!!
The wedding ceremony start at 10 am but they told us start at 9.30 am!
I guess they wanna everyone to be punctual,
however there is still a lot of people was late!!
This is what we called "TYPICAL MALAYSIAN"!
Me and mummy reached there around 9 oclock,
we never been to that place before,
so we decided to left house earlier and search for the location!
Luckily, it was an easy 1! KL is not that big huh!!
The wedding is a simple 1,
no luxurious deco, no glamorous wedding grown, no fancy ceremony
but I love it!
The atmosphere is so sweet, sweet as yourself soaking in a honey bath tub!
Every thing is simple, nice, and it feels really good!! *Thumbs up*
The song that they play when the bride is entering the church really can make people faint okay!! I almost fainted over there!! Is too sweet!!!!!!!!
The groom and bride!
I did not take any pic of them on that day!
So, i got this pic from the photographer's blog!
Picture credit to Adam Ong Photography!
Wong Kien Lee and Chan Ai Ling!
Congrats to both of you!!
KL Wesley Methodist Church
The Order of Service
I made good use of this!
I borrowed the wedding vow for our presentation!
I don't know what should the walk way call but
I called it "The Red Carpet"!
My mum and cousin!
My cousin was being emo the whole day and cried in the church during the ceremony!
My mum tried to entertain her, unfortunately it doesn't work!!
Continue entertaining her~
After the church ceremony ended,
we headed over to Mid Valley for the lunch ceremony
which was held at Spring Valley Chinese Restaurant (Tai Tong Group)
The food was okay, just like the normal, typical chinese wedding
with 9 courses and the "YAM SHENG" session!
After a while, I started to take pics and fool around!!
It was too boring la!! :P
Take them forever to serve the food!!
My another cousin!
Believe it or not, this is my very first time meeting him after I growth up for 21 years!
hahaha...see how close am I with my relative!!!
If i'm not mistaken, his name is Alex!!
My mum was so obsessed with him and keep on taking pic with him!!
See! See! I told you people!
There are more pictures!
I lazy to upload alrd!
wander what is my aunt looking at??
Me and mummy!
Me! Me! Me!
This 1 is taken in the Church while the pastor is explaining some chapter!
All the aunties discussing should they go for the tea session or not!!
The conclusion is NO NEED to go la!!

Our table
No. 20
Cam-whore while waiting for the food!
I was starving due to no breakfast!!
can't they serve faster a bit!! ish~ish~
The standard "YAM SHENG" session!!
YAM SHENG~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
after everything is over
we went Mid Valley for shopping!
Me in British India waiting for my mum!
I wanna get married in Church!!
I'm waiting for B!!!!
hahahaha...*miang betul*
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