
I'm so pissed right now!! My anger has reach to the max and I couldn't sleep!
No words can describe how pissed I am right now!!
I was chill earlier because I'm all prepared and ready to watch my hot hunk Vanness,
in the middle of the drama, my mum came back with a creature! What The Fuck!!!!
The moment my sis told me about the creature, I was furious!!
I almost burst into tears! I don't want that ridiculous creature in my room!
I'm seriously wondering how brainless can a person be!
No wonder Janize always said "brainless"!
Now I truly understand what is the meaning behind "brainless"!

FYI, we currently have 4 dogs at home and I'm the one who feed them, twice a day and clean their shit up! No matter how unwilling I am, yet I still did it the end! I bear with it for years and I can't take in any dog anymore! Never ever in my life! After all my current dogs passed away, they will be the last pets in the house. Having a pet at home is joyful but having too many pets at home is TORTURING!!! The best part is I don't even want those dogs in the house! The only 1 I wanted it so badly and I got it for my birthday present is my silky terrier, the rest of the dogs have to thanks to my brainless mother!! I have had enough of all this! Eventhough, she said the new creature is for granny but thing also change at last minute! It might ended up with us! This is what always happened! All I can do right now is cross my fingers and toes as hard as I can and pray that the new creature will never ever end up with us!!

If you can't take care of the dogs then PLEASE, PLEASE don't bring them back and expect someone to look after them!
As simple as that also don't understand! This is really brainless!!!
Daughter doesn't mean is your slave and stop being bossy!
Your mood swing is killing me and fuck off infront of me!
Your voice is annoying me like hell!
Owned a title of "MOTHER", doesn't mean you can do whatever you want on me!
Please keep in mind that, you only gave birth to me!
You are not the 1 that taking care of me for the passed 18 years!
I really thanks God that the person who took care of me is granny NOT you, or else I will be as horrible as you!

You people can think what you want about me or what kind of daughter am I!
I don't give a damn! Good night~

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