My another half turns 20th on Sunday. The girl is officially an aunty now. Now we are all in the same category. We planned to throw her a surprise birthday celebration for her which is show up in her house without informing her but the birthday girl a.k.a SPOILER ruined the surprise. I contact one of her housemate 2 days earlier and planned everything. When we thought the plan is going smoothly, she show up in the middle of the preparation. The spoiler got nothing better to do, she look out the window when she heard someone open the main gate and she texted me and said "I saw u alrd". Everyone phone was on silent mode becoz we do not want any possible circumstances to ruin the surprise yet the surprise FAILED. Thank you spoiler. =D
The birthday girl a.k.a spoiler. She said eventhough the surprise did not go well but she still felt surprise. She appreciated us planning a birthday celebration for her during this crazy, insane exam periods. We are glad that you enjoyed it.

In Secret Recipe waiting for the cake. I wanted to buy the whole cake but the 1 that I wanted is finished. This is why I hate when I don't get what I want.

Last touch up the birthday card.

I was telling everyone to keep silent. It is so hard to keep silent when everyone is so excited to go into the house and throw her the surprise. Who knows it FAILED badly.

She caught us and the moment I saw her sitting at the stairs, I when crazy.
I was like how on earth do you know we are here and what the hell are you doing at the stairs there. *PISSED*

2 candles for the one who turns 20th.

Secret Recipe is always the best. I never get bored of them. They are my 1st choice when it comes to cake. =D

Some more dare to show me the peace sign ar!!! HEH!!!

Making wishes. She is the most greedy birthday girl I ever met. She wish for more wishes. AHAHA...I wonder God hear her wishes o not.

Blow the candles and get older a year spoiler.

Spoiler said "Yea, I'm an old aunty now!!!!". Look at the happy face of being an old aunty.

Here comes D best part of the day. AHAHAHA...this is what everyone is looking forward to. It is finally here. It only happens once a year so must make it as memorable as possible.

Face on the cakes. Face on the cakes. Face on the cakes. =D

Look at our pretty pretty birthday girl. I should lick the face la!!!!!! How can I forget it, this is my only chance to do it man!! Ish~ish~nvm!! There is always another chance. out for next year spoiler. =P

AHAHA...the most priceless picture of the year. Besides the face, there is still other place to look at. Spot it?? @.@ Someone please pass me the tissue or call an ambulance for me???

Look at the pitiful cakes. I wonder how big her face is.

Birthday girl is too hot and sexy on that day. Everyone seem to have difficulties in controlling themselves. 1st raper, Janize Chia.

Birthday girl and Hui Hong. Okay, I wanna thank you Hui Hong so much for helping us up in organizing the surprise, eventhough the surprise did not work out but we still appreciated her helps. Thank you so much Hui Hong. =D

Raper No. 2, yours truly.

Now she don't like me after all the things I done for me. *crying* =(

Raper No. 3, Miss Hou. Birthday girl kena rogol on her birthday. AHAHA...a big personal present from Xiao Hou. How many birthday girl outside got this kind of special treatment huh?? Show some appreciation spoiler.

Let's wallop. Look at the spoiler face. AHAHA...very yummy hor??

Hearts my al-cheapo leggings. I saw one almost the same in Topshop which cost a bomb. Mine is less than 20. Ya, ya, I know I'm good in $$$$$.

I'm thinking where to touch. AHAHA...the area is too broad(fat) and I can't decide.

A normal 1. PsyMass only, Lo is missing.

Open her pressie eagerly. Hope you like the pressie.

We went out for lunch after the so called surprise and cut cake ceremony. Had our lunch in Banquet, Bangsar Village 2. The ambiance is pretty good.

Xiao Hou

The menu.

Little girl drinking wine. Someone please call her mum!!! She is underage.

Birthday girl with her cam.

Now this is what I called "P.O.S.E.R"!!!!!!!!! AHAHA...this 2 are really poser okay. Look how natural are they in posing. OMG!!!! Nice one!!! *clap, clap*

Fooling around with Hou's camera which no one knows there is film in it o not.

Yong Sim and her Salmon pasta.

Janize and her pasta.

Pita bread with different dips.

Oven Baked Butter Fish. The most recommended of all.

The yummiest Butter Fish I ever had.

Group Picture before leaving.

Happy Birthday Fatty. =D

Wandering around in the mall and they found a place to cam whore.

Loving my orange bow shoe. Bought it long time ago and it hurts my leg badly. It's still hurts thou.

Last picture of the day with the birthday girl. =D

Happy 20th Birthday fatty. I'm not gonna ask you "Are you happy or not?".
May all your wishes come true and God Bless you and family. Glad to have you as my the other half. I still love you eventhough you are annoying. Please behave like a 20 years old aunty ya.
Welcome to the "Lao Yi" club. =D
Happy Birthday and enjoy your holidays. I will see you in next sem.
Don't be naughty when your in Penang!! Take care!!
The birthday girl a.k.a spoiler. She said eventhough the surprise did not go well but she still felt surprise. She appreciated us planning a birthday celebration for her during this crazy, insane exam periods. We are glad that you enjoyed it.
In Secret Recipe waiting for the cake. I wanted to buy the whole cake but the 1 that I wanted is finished. This is why I hate when I don't get what I want.

Last touch up the birthday card.

I was telling everyone to keep silent. It is so hard to keep silent when everyone is so excited to go into the house and throw her the surprise. Who knows it FAILED badly.

She caught us and the moment I saw her sitting at the stairs, I when crazy.
I was like how on earth do you know we are here and what the hell are you doing at the stairs there. *PISSED*

2 candles for the one who turns 20th.

Secret Recipe is always the best. I never get bored of them. They are my 1st choice when it comes to cake. =D
Some more dare to show me the peace sign ar!!! HEH!!!

Making wishes. She is the most greedy birthday girl I ever met. She wish for more wishes. AHAHA...I wonder God hear her wishes o not.

Blow the candles and get older a year spoiler.

Spoiler said "Yea, I'm an old aunty now!!!!". Look at the happy face of being an old aunty.

Here comes D best part of the day. AHAHAHA...this is what everyone is looking forward to. It is finally here. It only happens once a year so must make it as memorable as possible.

Face on the cakes. Face on the cakes. Face on the cakes. =D

Look at our pretty pretty birthday girl. I should lick the face la!!!!!! How can I forget it, this is my only chance to do it man!! Ish~ish~nvm!! There is always another chance. out for next year spoiler. =P

AHAHA...the most priceless picture of the year. Besides the face, there is still other place to look at. Spot it?? @.@ Someone please pass me the tissue or call an ambulance for me???

Look at the pitiful cakes. I wonder how big her face is.

Birthday girl is too hot and sexy on that day. Everyone seem to have difficulties in controlling themselves. 1st raper, Janize Chia.

Birthday girl and Hui Hong. Okay, I wanna thank you Hui Hong so much for helping us up in organizing the surprise, eventhough the surprise did not work out but we still appreciated her helps. Thank you so much Hui Hong. =D

Raper No. 2, yours truly.
Now she don't like me after all the things I done for me. *crying* =(
Raper No. 3, Miss Hou. Birthday girl kena rogol on her birthday. AHAHA...a big personal present from Xiao Hou. How many birthday girl outside got this kind of special treatment huh?? Show some appreciation spoiler.
Let's wallop. Look at the spoiler face. AHAHA...very yummy hor??
Hearts my al-cheapo leggings. I saw one almost the same in Topshop which cost a bomb. Mine is less than 20. Ya, ya, I know I'm good in $$$$$.
I'm thinking where to touch. AHAHA...the area is too broad(fat) and I can't decide.

A normal 1. PsyMass only, Lo is missing.
Open her pressie eagerly. Hope you like the pressie.

We went out for lunch after the so called surprise and cut cake ceremony. Had our lunch in Banquet, Bangsar Village 2. The ambiance is pretty good.
Xiao Hou
The menu.
Little girl drinking wine. Someone please call her mum!!! She is underage.

Birthday girl with her cam.
Now this is what I called "P.O.S.E.R"!!!!!!!!! AHAHA...this 2 are really poser okay. Look how natural are they in posing. OMG!!!! Nice one!!! *clap, clap*
Fooling around with Hou's camera which no one knows there is film in it o not.
Yong Sim and her Salmon pasta.

Janize and her pasta.

Pita bread with different dips.
Oven Baked Butter Fish. The most recommended of all.
The yummiest Butter Fish I ever had.
Group Picture before leaving.
Happy Birthday Fatty. =D

Wandering around in the mall and they found a place to cam whore.
Loving my orange bow shoe. Bought it long time ago and it hurts my leg badly. It's still hurts thou.
Last picture of the day with the birthday girl. =D
Happy 20th Birthday fatty. I'm not gonna ask you "Are you happy or not?".
May all your wishes come true and God Bless you and family. Glad to have you as my the other half. I still love you eventhough you are annoying. Please behave like a 20 years old aunty ya.
Welcome to the "Lao Yi" club. =D
Happy Birthday and enjoy your holidays. I will see you in next sem.
Don't be naughty when your in Penang!! Take care!!
2 voices:
TWIN!!!!!! awwwwwww, so sweet of this post!!! hahahaa! thank you thank you! your post make me laugh and naik geram for SOME PART! u know what i mean! hahaaa!!! i give u one more chance to ask me HOW ARE YOU.. whatever u want or not.. blekk, I 'M STIL SUPER DUPER HYPER HAPPY!!!!!! yeahhhhhhhhhh!!
AHAHAHA...ur most welcome twin. I'm not gonna ask u anything. I got nothing special to ask also. =D
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