Attended Eclipse Premiere Screening last week at The Curve. My sis got the free tickets from Nuffnang and she invited me. Thank you Nuffnang and my sis for the invitation!!! :D I was indecisive earlier, can't decide should I go or should I stay at home and complete my assignment which due the next day. And my final decision is go 1st, decide later. I went and I scarified a night for not sleeping to complete the assignment which due the next day and it is all worth it!!!!!!! I am officially a twi-hard fan!!!! Eclipse is the bomb!! It is way, way, better than New Moon. I might go for second time. Anyone wanna watch me with please let me know!! :D

The new born vampire, Railey.

The werewolf. OH-MY-GOSH!!!!! Look at the abs people. *melts* This is why I love guys with 6 pax. How to resist, you tell me!!!!

Okay!! Here come my husband number don't know how many, JACOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He doesn't need a shirt people!!!! What he got is the BODY!!!!

The new Victoria which I did not realize until my sis told me the current Victoria is different from Twilight. Seriously, they look damn alike man!!!

The triangle love.

The sweetest part of the whole movie. Bella and Edward is engaged!! Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Cullen. Now all we need is the last one, Breaking Dawn.

The tickets for the premiere. There were others radio station giving out free premiere tickets as well and I saw their ticket is in post card form which look more pretty and nice. I want those tickets but ours also not too bad la!!! At least we got free tickets, so don't be greedy!! :D
Another Twi-hard fan. She is such a spoiler man!! People shouldn't read the book and go for the movie.
She supports team Edward.
and I support team Jacob. Happy Me. Staying up all night is worth. I love Jacob.
This month is the month to be broke I guess! Loads of work, the most stressful time in life and I don't mind being broke!! Peace!!!
*all the Eclipse pictures thanks to Nuffnang!!
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