I am all caught up on another Taiwanese drama 欢迎爱光临 (That Love Comes) star by Joe Cheng (郑元畅) from "It Stared With A Kiss", 李菲儿,裴蓓,孙坚,卜学亮, & 小八.
I was really bored and found this drama through Google. I decided to give it a try even though I do not know most of the actors or actresses. Surprisingly, the drama was pretty good. The down side is there are only 30 mins per episode. This is no good and, and there are only 12 episodes in total. Looking for short and nice drama, try this. :D
Not sure what's the story about? Read the synopsis below please. I am kind enough to provide you guys with synopsis just incase you wondering about the story. :D You are welcome.
"Small town girl Ye Zi arrives at the big city and works in a small convenience store. Ye Zi’s father died young and she left home early to repay her mother’s debts, and at the same time she also supports her younger brother with his studies. Although life is difficult, Ye Zi still believed that as long as you persevere, you will obtain happiness. In what looked like an ordinary day, Ye Zi prepares to return her final loan hoping that from then on she can start with her brand new life. However, fashion photographer Xia Tian unintentionally enters the convenience store and has an unexpected encounter with Ye Zi. After a series of circumstancial errors, Ye Zi’s dream of repaying her debts almost got destroyed. In the middle of the night, Xia Tian realizes the mistake and immediately goes back to the convenience store and returns the money. Having gone through a day of emotional torment, Ye Zi cried silently upon receiving directly from Xia Tian’s hands the money he returned which still held his warmth.This is her in the city, feeling the warmth amidst strrangers for the very first time.At the other end of the city, fashion photographer Xia Tian and top supermodel Flora are being called the golden pair, successful and famous. However, Xia Tian’s innermost desire is a simple and straightforward life, he longs to become a wildlife photographer. His girlfriend Flora cannot forget the life of fame and fortune, and Xia Tian gets tired of dealing with her until he finally chooses to break up.In Ye Zi, the convenience store girl, Xia Tian saw his own desire for pure happiness. The distance between them may seem remote, but Xia Tian cannot help but be attracted by Ye Zi, finally he imitated Ye Zi and started to believe: as long as you persevere, happiness will certainly come..."
The official poster.

欢迎爱光临 (That Love Comes)

Oh, not to forget, the drama has some really nice songs from a talented Taiwanese - American musical wonder kind Yen-J (严爵) too. I am not kidding. The songs are really really nice.
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