You Think You Know Me Well

*I am purely Malaysian.

*Orange is my favourite colour.

*I admire guy with 6 pack and British accent. *blushing*

*I sleep with my dog (Milky).

*I am single and available.

* I am horny.

*I am Chinese educated (I know how to read Chinese newspaper 1).

*I love Kim Hyun Joong more than myself.

*I love Mickey Mouse.

*I love horror or thriller movie.

*I love chicken backside, especially the fried one.

*I like to take picture with weird expression. The weirdest the better. :D

*I hate when people munch their food with mouth open and it sounds. Can't you close you mouth and eat quietly?

*I hate milk and soya bean.

*I hate cat.

*I hate people who shakes their legs.

*I hate pink colour. No la, I am very serious. Pink colour banned!!

*I hate cold weather because I have weak body and I can't stand the cold.

*I hate people who likes sport a little too much.

*I hate to use my brain and think.

*I hate due date.

*I hate being broke.

*I hate lovey dovey couple.

*I hate people being over organised.

2 voices:

Miamy, said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Such an excuse to post up camwhore pics! LOL

AbigailLoi said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

sssshhhhhhhh!! LMAO!!!