Went Cameron Highland for 5 days during my last 2 months holiday!
I know you people must be thinking "5 days in Cameron Highland, are you joking?"
Well, I'm not!! I know nothing much in Cameron Highland but I still spend 5 days there!
The purpose to Cameron Highland is not for vacation, is to attend relative's wedding!
Love the weather, the scenery and the food there!! =D
My uncle's daughter!!
She is so adorable and the most important thing is she likes to play with me!!

The cousins!!
I have to say they have a big family with dozens of children running all over the place!

The farm that right infront of the house!

I do not know what vege is that! Maybe is kang kong or maybe not!!

The mini pineapple that I found infront of the house!

The house! Spot my granny??

Accidentally saw this plant!! Nice right?? I think Cameron Highland has it only!

The huge and tall Cactus! It is taller than anyone else!

Look at the height! It is reaching the roof soon!!


Look at all the flowers, it is so colourful and pretty!!
I want all these flowers at my house!!

All the flowers are so pretty! I wanted to buy some back but my relative told me the flower won't look that pretty at home due to the weather! They only look nice at Cameron Highland!

Strawberry Park!!

I went Cactus and Strawberry park!

Martel! People who live in Cameron Highland are drunkard!

My old hairstyle!!

So, which hairstyle do you people prefer??
The old 1 or the current mushroom head??

The big huge ass Hibiscus!
It is big enough to cover my face!

The night before the big day, the bride & groom has to go through some prayer ceremony!
The bride & groom must be in new pajamas! Don't ask me why, I don't know!
This is part of the culture!

The Groom!!
I asked him to let me take a pic and he showed me his back!!

They served Hennessy and Martel!!

The bride & groom's car! I think purple colour is their favour!
Most of the decorations and the evening gown are purple colour!

The buffet lunch!! I love the chicken wings!
It is so damn good!! Better than KFC ones!!

Roast pig that brought over from the bride's side!

The hand flower of the bride!!

The "yam-cha" ceremony!!

Here comes my favourite part of the wedding!!
Time for Ang Pao!! haha...

Menu of the wedding dinner! It is a typical kind of Chinese wedding!
8 courses plus 1 dessert!

After the dinner, when home and cam-whore!!

The day before we leave, my relative brought us out for side seeing and visit their farm!! I seriously in love with the farm!! It looks so pretty and clean! It is definitely not the kind of farm that I imagined *full of grass and mosquito kind *!

It is so organize and pretty!! =D

The home grow glossy purple Eggplant/ Aubergine/ Brinjal!
All these Eggplant/ Aubergine/ Brinjal are gonna import to Singapore!

The Eggplant/ Aubergine/ Brinjal look so fresh!
Before leaving uncle gave us some fresh vege home!!
Thank you uncle!!

My uncle's daughter! Her name is Xuan Xuan!

Happy me!!

Candid shot!
Granny busy talking to the uncle about some culinary skills!!

They have parking lot at the side of the farm too!!

Strawberry Farm!! I heard my relative said it is very hard to grow strawberry because once there is bacteria at the root, the whole strawberry plant will die! That's why the weather there is more suitable to plan strawberry, it can minimize the bacteria!

The big huge ass national flower of Malaysia, Hibiscus!!

Don't really know what kind of flower is that!

I found hidden Mickey!!

Look at the flower!!

I find this flower look really weird!!

Went to strawberry farm and bought some strawberry home!!

I wanna go Cameron Highland for another vacation again!
Now I know the way and where I wanna go alrd!
Who's in with me??