YES!! YES!! I'm having 1 week HOLIDAYS people!!
hahaha...don't be jealous and don't worry! I will miss you people!! :D
My bags are packed & i'm so ready to go back Taiping!!
Finally, exam is sooooo over!! Finally I can sleep like nobody's business again!!
I'm so gonna replace back all my missing sleeping hours during the finals!!
I do not care what is going on outside the bloody damn world, all I care is about my sleep!!
Nothing emergency do not disturb me!
Your cooperation will be much appreciated!!
Ohh yeah baby~~holidays, holidays, holidays~~
Today paper put everyone in worries state!
Everyone knows exactly about the formula yet all of us still worried!
Calculations are always suck!! Money is still the best!! :P
Well, I think i screw up my Statistics paper too!!
All I wish for is just pass and no retaking the same bloody boring shitty paper!!
After finished the exam, went McDonald's with the psycho peoples for lunch then headed to Pavilion and meet up with Stephy Jie Jie for movie, shopping and dinner!!
My aim for today is to re-boost my energy, protein, calsium and vitamin that I lost during the fnals!! hahaha...psychology kills all my brain cells la!!
My sis complainted in her blog that they only played pool to celebrate their finals is over but I went out to celebrate with my friend exist it is my 21st birthday!! hahaha...
Althea Loi, your just jealous!! Get your own celebration and I plan for a bigger celebration for my 21st birthday, so today was nothing!! Get over it!!
We watched I LOVE YOU, BETH COOPER and had TGI Friday for dinner!
the movie was okay! Not really interesting but overall is still acceptable and funny la!!
If you got no other choices then you might wanna consider about this movie!! :D
Before going to dinner, we stop by at Lot 10 because they are having this korea and japanese food fair thing! All the cookies are so cute and look really yummy!!
I found this Hello Kitty container and it is so cute!!
Ask jie jie to be the model and help me hold the container so that I can take pic of it and show you people! Damn cute but too bad i'm not a Hello Kitty fan!! If it is Mickey Mouse then no doubt I will be bringing it back home with me!! haha...

Another cute creation!
look like a doggie with a really big head!

She found some weird fruit juice!
All the words are either in Korea or Japanese!
We do not understand so we did not buy!

Cam-whoring while waiting for jie jie to check on her fruit juice

Finally, we are ready for dinner!
We were so hungry and we overestimated ourselves!
We tot we can finish the food but ended up ta bao back!
The portion is too big!!
She doesn't like my new camera!! :(

My ugly tired look!!
Hello, what do you people expect to see from me after a week of exhaustion ar??

Jie jie and Me!

Our appetizers!! We order 2 appetizers and 2 main course!!
hahaha...i know! i know! we too greedy alrd!!

Boneless Wings!
It smell damn good and taste good as well!


This 1 is a must order appetizer!!
O-M-G!!!!!!!!!! *Thumbs up*
Fried Mac & Cheese

Look how cheesy is it!!
Is really freaking good!!

See!! See!! Even jie jie also thumbs up and said good!!
we won't bluff you people 1!! Is really good!!!

Tuscan Chicken Melt
my main course

Sizzling Chicken & Cheese
Jie jie punya!

I will be out of town for a week!
Don't worry!! I will miss you people!!
Happy Holidays People!!!!
Enjoy yourselves and I shall see you people after Merdeka!
Happy Merdeka too!!! :D
Bye~Take care~
hahaha...don't be jealous and don't worry! I will miss you people!! :D
My bags are packed & i'm so ready to go back Taiping!!
Finally, exam is sooooo over!! Finally I can sleep like nobody's business again!!
I'm so gonna replace back all my missing sleeping hours during the finals!!
I do not care what is going on outside the bloody damn world, all I care is about my sleep!!
Nothing emergency do not disturb me!
Your cooperation will be much appreciated!!
Ohh yeah baby~~holidays, holidays, holidays~~
Today paper put everyone in worries state!
Everyone knows exactly about the formula yet all of us still worried!
Calculations are always suck!! Money is still the best!! :P
Well, I think i screw up my Statistics paper too!!
All I wish for is just pass and no retaking the same bloody boring shitty paper!!
After finished the exam, went McDonald's with the psycho peoples for lunch then headed to Pavilion and meet up with Stephy Jie Jie for movie, shopping and dinner!!
My aim for today is to re-boost my energy, protein, calsium and vitamin that I lost during the fnals!! hahaha...psychology kills all my brain cells la!!
My sis complainted in her blog that they only played pool to celebrate their finals is over but I went out to celebrate with my friend exist it is my 21st birthday!! hahaha...
Althea Loi, your just jealous!! Get your own celebration and I plan for a bigger celebration for my 21st birthday, so today was nothing!! Get over it!!
We watched I LOVE YOU, BETH COOPER and had TGI Friday for dinner!
the movie was okay! Not really interesting but overall is still acceptable and funny la!!
If you got no other choices then you might wanna consider about this movie!! :D
Before going to dinner, we stop by at Lot 10 because they are having this korea and japanese food fair thing! All the cookies are so cute and look really yummy!!
I found this Hello Kitty container and it is so cute!!
Ask jie jie to be the model and help me hold the container so that I can take pic of it and show you people! Damn cute but too bad i'm not a Hello Kitty fan!! If it is Mickey Mouse then no doubt I will be bringing it back home with me!! haha...
Another cute creation!
look like a doggie with a really big head!
She found some weird fruit juice!
All the words are either in Korea or Japanese!
We do not understand so we did not buy!
Cam-whoring while waiting for jie jie to check on her fruit juice
Finally, we are ready for dinner!
We were so hungry and we overestimated ourselves!
We tot we can finish the food but ended up ta bao back!
The portion is too big!!
She doesn't like my new camera!! :(
My ugly tired look!!
Hello, what do you people expect to see from me after a week of exhaustion ar??
Jie jie and Me!
Our appetizers!! We order 2 appetizers and 2 main course!!
hahaha...i know! i know! we too greedy alrd!!
Boneless Wings!
It smell damn good and taste good as well!
This 1 is a must order appetizer!!
O-M-G!!!!!!!!!! *Thumbs up*
Fried Mac & Cheese
Look how cheesy is it!!
Is really freaking good!!
See!! See!! Even jie jie also thumbs up and said good!!
we won't bluff you people 1!! Is really good!!!
Tuscan Chicken Melt
my main course
Sizzling Chicken & Cheese
Jie jie punya!
I will be out of town for a week!
Don't worry!! I will miss you people!!
Happy Holidays People!!!!
Enjoy yourselves and I shall see you people after Merdeka!
Happy Merdeka too!!! :D
Bye~Take care~